Here’s a selection of some of our resources that we’ve created over the years. There’s a load more on our previous sites if you want to delve deeper.

Dada poetry
Great and original works of art, poetry, literature and music are rarely generated from a place of complete reason and control. They often come from a different plane of existence. Some people reach that place through meditation, some through drugs, some through dreams, and some through sticking a bunch of words in a hat and pulling them out again at random.

Geofiction (fictional maps)
Have you ever looked at a map and wondered what stories might have happened there? Map making is a great way to start getting into a story. Back in 2012 we ran two geofiction competitions, and got some amazing entries from around the world from writers, cartographers and artists.

First lines
First lines to stories we never wrote. Use any of these first lines to start off a new story.