Storyslingers Reloaded

Storyslingers is back. We were originally founded by two young writers, Jennifer Oliver and Jennifer Newbury who both loved fantasy, speculative fiction, YA, and anything that’s hard to find in Tescos. We were based in rural Dorset and could only find writing groups that were aimed at middle aged women writing romance or crime. Their members would look at us weirdly when we cleared our throats and started our steampunk/ werewolf/ portal fantasy readings. Storyslingers will always cater to people who get weird looks when they try to read out their stories in small-town writers’ groups.

This current iteration is run by one solo unpaid Jennifer (Newbury) until the other one can come back, or another Jennifer* can be found to help. (*if you'd like to become an admin and you're not named Jennifer, this is okay, please get in touch anyway).

For the time being we’re an online group only, but we’re establishing how much interest there is in physical meeting when it’s safe, and what kind of level of meeting people would like. Check out the membership page for more information on how to join and get involved. Jennifer is based in Frome, so meetings will take place in Frome, Somerset, maybe Bath and hopefully a few in our old Dorset haunts too.

Sorry if responses are slow: our priority is, and always should be, writing.


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